Amber是來自英格蘭諾丁罕的5人樂團,主唱Joe Keogh負責作詞曲
Will Jones、Tomas Sperring、Henry Wyeth和Felix Archer 為其餘4位團員
8月份曾在BBC Radio舉辦的
Joe說寫Noah這首歌是要勉勵大家把握當下"Carpe Diem"
My name is Noah and the sea is my home 我叫做Noah 大海是我的家
And this small wooden boat will be my throne 這艘小木船會是我的寶座
I'm proud of what I've built and the things that I've done 我對以往的成就和做過的事
And all of the people I've learnt to love 所有我學著愛的人引以為傲
Singing Noah, Noah 唱吧Noah Noah
My name is Judas and my eyes are tired 我叫做猶大 雙眼疲憊不堪
And even my presence is a warning sign 我的出現有警示作用
That wherever you go and whatever you do 無論走到哪裡 做了什麼
Your past will always follow you 你的過去總是形影不離地跟著你
Singing Noah, Noah 唱吧Noah Noah
Singing Noah, Noah 唱吧Noah Noah
So why don't we light a fire? 就讓我們生火
And oh let the flames grow higher 看著熊熊火焰燃燒
So why don't we light a fire and leave the rest behind 就讓我們生火 把一切拋在腦後
Cause life's for living right 過著步上正軌的生活
Noah, Noah
Singing Noah, Noah 唱吧Noah Noah
Gotta get busy living or get busy dying 要忙著過活或忙著送死
I'd hate to see you left behind 我不想看著你被世界遺棄
Gotta get busy living or get busy dying 要忙著過活或忙著送死
I'd hate to see you left behind 我不想看著你被世界遺棄
Singing Noah, Noah 唱吧Noah Noah
Singing Noah, Noah 唱吧Noah Noah
Singing Noah, Noah 唱吧Noah Noah
My name is Noah and the sea is my home 我叫做Noah 大海是我的家
And this small wooden boat will be my throne 這艘小木船會是我的寶座