The Hoosiers: 'Goodbye Mr A' 
Released on Monday, October 8 2007 

Well at least they're not The Feeling! (感覺樂團~~我也有買...what a material girl i am!!omg。他們很喜歡批評與時下流行截然不同的音樂,只要聽起來不舒服、太特立獨行的音樂就會被批的很慘,尤其是能夠飆高音的男生,他們不但不覺得厲害,還會說你是不是小時候發生過什麼事?真的太惡毒了~~)While it might not be the greatest of compliments, it's at least something for The Hoosiers to cling on to as they follow the 'Fill My Little World Right Up' soft rock-come-popsters into the world of chirpy, perky, Virgin Radio-hogging singles. 'Goodbye Mr A' rugby tackles the riff of ELO's 'Mr Blue Sky' and places it all back together again in the totally wrong order.(這句話超很~~英國媒體嘴超毒的~~我看到都想要砸電腦了) It's slightly uncomfortable to listen to, mildly irritating and sure to infiltrate radio station playlists like the proverbial bad smell.(英國人怎麼這麼會比喻啊~~而且超狠的~~英國藝人抗壓性真強~~他們一定很會自我解嘲)

On 'Goodbye Mr A' The Hoosiers move one step closer to evolving into the 00's version of technobilly, children's novelty act The Cartoons (they did the 'Witchdoctor' doo-dah song in '99, novelty record fans). With more forced fun and pinned-back smiles than you'd find on the cast of High School Musical locked in a cupboard with one of Ant and Dec's studio audiences, it rams its giddy key changes, tootling keys and wacky sound effects down your ears until you find yourself screaming for Pete Waterman to come back with a Steps reunion.
Thoe Hoosiers are fantastic.


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